Friday, August 20, 2010

An Artist's Space

Starting a new business on a small budget and sustaining it as it grows requires lots of creativity, resourcefulness and a little help from your friends.  On a recent trip to Santa Fe Folk Art Market I stayed with an old friend, Pauline Ziegen, an artist, who I had not seen in at least 10 years. We had recently re-connected through facebook and she generously opened her home to me.  I knew that she was still painting, but had no idea how honed her craft had become.
The first night we had dinner and then she was off to Houston for an opening of her work at Laura Rathe Gallery.
Each evening after the Folk Art Market I would head back to her place with a bottle of wine and some goodies from Trader Joes (we have no trader joes in KC)  and sit on the deck and look over the tracks at the peaceful New Mexico horizon.  Like a voyeur, I took these shots during my stay.
Paulines work space
works in progress
A trip tic by Pauline works to create a feminine yet bold space with the Kantha coverlet I brought for her.
A signature of Pauline's; some of her hats and a finished painting of hers.
Painting in progress
A terrific collection of jackets


  1. i LOVE the paintings...
    sounds like a good friend! always need good friends around...!


    happy friday

  2. Pauline's work is unbelieveable. I am the proud owner of a few "pauline's" myself. Living with them adds to my life everyday. My craving for them is never satisfied and I hope to add to my collection.

  3. Just living with her work and imagining her process the few days I stayed in her place was such a teaser. I look forward to my 1st Pauline piece someday. A girl can dream.

  4. My friend has one of her paintings. It's beautiful.
